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Application of Google Analytics

Using the Google Analytics account, we use a specialized Google analytical tool. Based on the reports obtained, we take actions related to improving the website. The entire Analytics system is able to answer many questions related to the selected website. We’re taking a closer look at it, which allows us to make some improvements.

The system responds to questions such as: what users do on your site, how many users use your site, what content is most popular, where users come from and whether your marketing campaigns are bringing results. Thanks to Google Analytics, we also learn how to improve the effectiveness of the website and any marketing campaigns.

Google Analytics is primarily used to send relevant information about websites. For this purpose, it uses the GATC tracking code, focusing on the use of the Javascript markup language. Then the measurement is based on a very simple scheme. If users visit our website, the server returns them to the users browser. Cookies are created by the Google Analytics tracking code. They store the most important information about users. These files go to an external Google server, where they are modified. This allows you to create transparent reports that go to website owners. They are available in the Google Analytics interface.